Configuring the pedals/wheels/knobs
You can specify the pedal functions and pedal type.
1.Tap the “Pedal and others” button.
2.Specify the settings below.
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Pitch Bend Range
You can set the range of the pitch bend to a value between 0 and 24.
Tap “+” or “-” to adjust.
Tap the “reset” button to restore the default settings. - ②
Control Button : Assignable
It is possible to vary the sound. Choose from the following four types.
- Modulation: Modulation (vibrato-like effect) is applied.
- Portamento On/Off: Turns on/off portamento (effect of smoothly gliding from one note to another) for the Upper 1 part.
- Rotary Slow/Fast: Switches between Slow and Fast rotary speaker settings.
- Arpeggio Note Length: Toggles the length of notes played by the arpeggiator between normal length and half length.
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Control Button : Modulation Value
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SW: Select when a switching pedal (Casio sustain pedal) is connected.
Exp.Type1: Select when a polarity type 1 expression pedal is connected.
Exp.Type2: Select when a polarity type 2 expression pedal is connected.
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Expression/Assignable Input: Pedal Functions
Expression: Controls the expression (MIDI Control Change no. 11).
Master Volume: Controls the volume
Tempo: Controls the tempo
Layer Balance: Controls the volume balance between the Upper1 and Upper2 parts
Damper: Pressing the pedal while playing will apply sustained reverberation even after the key is released. On an instrument such as an organ where the tone of a note is sustained for as long as the key is pressed, note will continue to sound while the pedal is pressed.
Sostenuto: The sound of the keyboard keys that are held down at the time the pedal is pressed is the only sound that remains until the pedal is released, even if the keyboard key is released.
Soft: In addition to slightly reducing the volume of the sound played while the pedal is depressed, it also softens the sound.
Arpeggio Hold: When Arpeggio Hold is on, each pedal press toggles it on and off.
Start/Stop: Works the same as START/STOP.
Seq Recall Inc, Seq Recall Dec: Each time the pedal is pressed, the registrations are recalled in sequence. Please refer to the instrument’s instruction manual for details.
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Speaker Out
Set the output from the speaker.
Select from Auto/Disable/Enable.
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Knob 1, Knob 2: Assignable
You can specify the knob function.