Scoring a performance

You can use the scoring function to check the level at which you were able to play a song.

This function will also show information such as the number of mismatched notes.

Scoring evaluates your performance on the app’s keyboard or an instrument’s keyboard.

  • Scoring is applied to the parts specified in “Part” in the “Play Settings”.

1.Tap the Play Settings button on the Player screen.

2.In the setting screen, set “Scoring” to “ON”.

Refer to the following for more information on the setting screen.

Setting “Scoring” to “ON” displays the scoring function in the Player screen.

3.Tap the Play/Pause button to play back the song and begin your performance.


Scoring gauge and scoring display: The score for your performance of the song you are playing is displayed as both a gauge and numerical score.

4.Your final score is shown when you finish playing the song.


Score display: Displays your score as a value between 0 to 100 points.

Below the score, the result is displayed as one of five levels: “Perfect!!” (100 points), “Great!” (80 to 99 points), “Good!” (60 to 79 points), “Nice try!” (20 to 59 points), or “Keep trying!” (0 to 19 points).

Total score for timing results: Displays the total score for each of the three evaluation levels.

Share Button: This allows you to share a capture of your scoring results screen via social media or with other apps. Tapping this button opens the sharing menu selection screen in your OS.

Marked part: “Part” that is selected in Play Settings will appear.

  • Tap the stop button when you want to repeat part of a song mid-way through your performance. This stops scoring and returns you to the start of the song.