Configuring effects

Various sound effects can be added to the keyboard sound.

1.Tap the “Effect” button.


2.Specify the settings below.

Reverb Type

Various types of reverb can be added to the sound.

You can choose from OFF, Tone, Room 1-5, Large Room 1-2, Hall 1-6, Stadium 1-3, Plate 1-2, Delay, Pan Delay, Long Delay 1, Long Delay 2, Church and Cathedral.


You can add three-dimensional spacial acoustics to the sound from the front, back, left and right.
Switch using ON/OFF.


Sound quality correction can be set to emphasize certain frequencies or soften the sound.

You can choose from Standard, Bass +, Treble +, Loudness, Mellow, Bright, Rock, Dance, Jazz and Classic.

AUDIO IN Center Cancel

This function cuts (eliminates or reduces) vocals in the sound input from the AUDIO IN jack or Bluetooth audio.
Switch using ON/OFF.