Recording/playing back using the MIDI recorder

Keyboard performance information (key press and release and the weight of touch, etc.) from the musical instrument is recorded as MIDI data.

  • Only one song can be recorded at a time. When a new song is recorded, the previous song data is erased.

Recording performances with the MIDI Recorder

1.Tap the “MIDI Recorder” button.

CT-S1-76_MIDI Rec

2.Tap icon_Ver.2_Rokuon at the bottom of the screen.

The software switches to recording standby mode.

3.Start playing the instrument or tap icon_pkay-pause_ver2

Recording begins.

Tap icon_Rec_stop to stop recording.

Playing back performances with the MIDI Recorder

1.Tap icon_pkay-pause_ver2 to play song

To stop playback, tap icon_Playback_stop.

Playback ends when the end of the song is reached.