Recorded songs

Choose from the songs recorded in the app.

“Recorded Song” is available for piano only.

Recording performances

Selecting a recorded song

1.Tap “Piano Roll” in the top menu.

  • A message about the music selection is displayed. If you don’t want to see this message next time, tap to check the checkbox to the left of “Do not show again”.

2.Tap “OK”

3.Select “Recorded Song” from “collection”

4.Select a song from the “Recorded Song” list


Changes the song title of the recorded song.

  • You can enter both full-width and half-width characters, but note that symbols like emojis will not appear correctly.

Deletes the recorded song.

Share button

Tap to display the file Format Selection screen.

Preview button

Tap to listen to songs.

A maximum of 45 seconds will be played from the beginning of the song. To stop, tap the button again.