Recording/playing back using the MIDI recorder

Recording performances with the MIDI Recorder

Keyboard performance information (key press and release and the weight of touch, etc.) from the musical instrument is recorded as MIDI data.

  • Only one song can be recorded at a time. When a new song is recorded, the previous song data is erased.

1.Tap the “MIDI Recorder” button.

AP-300_MIDI Rec

2.Tap icon_Ver.2_Rokuon at the bottom of the screen.

The software switches to recording standby mode.

3.Choose the recording destination.

Select the recording destination by selecting either “Track1(L)” or “Track2(R)”.

4.Start playing the instrument or tap icon_pkay-pause_ver2

Recording begins.

Tap icon_Rec_stop to stop recording.

Playing back performances with the MIDI Recorder

1.Tap the “MIDI Recorder” button.

2.Tap icon_pkay-pause_ver2 to play song

To stop playback, tap icon_Playback_stop.

Playback ends when the end of the song is reached.

Track1(L)/Track2(R) playback

Each time you tap icon_Ver.1_Track_Off for Track1(L)/Track2(R), playback of the sound recorded in Track1(L)/Track2(R) is turned ON/OFF.

  • icon_Ver.1_Track_Off: Records with Track1(L)/Track2(R) muted.
  • icon_Ver.1_Track: Records while playing back Track1(L)/Track2(R).