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Respect for Human Rights | CASIO


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Respect for Human Rights

Approach and Policy

Social Issue

In recent years, as corporate activity has expanded on a global scale, human rights have become a major social issue. This includes the problem of conflict minerals, child labor, forced labor, and the occurrence of accidents due to poor working environments throughout corporate supply chains. In this situation, Casio recognizes that corporations are expected to address human rights issues in accordance with international standards such as the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Importance for the Casio Group

Casio operates its business on a global scale, but these business activities can only take place with the support of various stakeholders. Casio understands that, in the course of pursuing its business activities, it could possibly have a negative impact on the human rights of stakeholders, including diverse groups such as employees, customers, and business partners’ workers. An inadequate response to human rights issues can develop into serious management risks such as significant decline in corporate brand value, product boycotts, and suspension of business transactions by suppliers.
Casio recognizes respect for human rights as an important sustainability issue as it continues to expand its business globally and will continue to step up initiatives in this area based on international norms related to human rights.


Since December 2010, Casio has been a signatory to and participated in the UN Global Compact, which consists of 10 principles related to human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations. In June 2013, as part of an overall reconsideration of the content of the code, Casio revised its Code of Conduct (currently, the Casio Business Conduct Guidelines), explicitly stating a commitment to uphold and respect international norms relating to human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to respect basic labor rights.

Recognizing the importance of ensuring effectively functioning global governance related to respect for human rights going forward, Casio held dialogues with group employees outside Japan and experts*1 in the process of drafting the Casio Group Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights. The policy specifies, among other things, the group’s commitment to supporting and respecting international codes of conduct for human rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work from the International Labour Organization (ILO). It also specifies the group’s commitment to carrying out initiatives related to respect for human rights based on the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and to continuously performing human rights due diligence*2 after the framework for that purpose is established. From here on, Casio will thoroughly communicate this policy throughout the group and carry out initiatives in accordance with it.

Other than the above, Casio has identified the following as the current priority issues related to human rights in this policy.

Casio Group Priority Issues Related to Human Rights
(1) Elimination of discrimination, (2) prohibition of child labor and forced labor, (3) respect for basic labor rights, (4) appropriate payment of wages and management of working hours, (5) respect for diversity, (6) support for achieving work-life balance, (7) ensuring a safe workplace environment and support for promoting health

In addition to working to thoroughly disseminate these codes and policies, Casio will periodically consider whether they need to be re-examined in light of human rights issues that may arise due to societal trends or the business environment, and revise them as necessary.

Casio also recognizes the importance of spreading the idea of respect for human rights outside its organization together with its entire supply chain. All suppliers have been made aware of Casio’s Supplier Guidelines, which clearly mandate respect for human rights and prohibit discrimination. In addition to requesting compliance, Casio strives to verify implementation using questionnaires and other means.

*1 See the feature story, “Casio’s Commitment to Human Rights” in the 2013 Sustainability Report for details.
*2 Human rights due diligence refers to the continuous process for recognizing, avoiding and mitigating any negative impacts Casio has on society using preventative means.

Casio Business Conduct Guidelines

Casio Group Policy on Human Rights

Implementing CSR Procurement


Initiatives on respect for human rights are led by the Corporate Communication Headquarters (Sustainability Promotion Department), the Human Resources Department, and the Supply Chain Control Unit.

Targets and Action Plan

Evaluation ◎: All targets met, ○ : Most targets met, △ : Remaining issues outweigh results, × : No progress made


FY2023 Targets and KPI FY2023 Performance Evaluation FY2024 Targets and KPI
Implement human rights checkups and feedback at all production group companies Reviewed human rights check tool again, as in FY2022 ×

Implement human rights checkups and feedback at all production group companies

(2) Implement human rights education for Sustainability Leaders Invited outside experts and held a seminar for Sustainably Leaders about the human rights issues that affect the company from the perspective of business and human rights and about efforts to incorporate the necessary respect for human rights in corporate activities in November 2022 (2) Implement human rights education for Sustainability Leaders

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