CASIO Sitemap Japanese
Mountain of the Knowledge Master
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Dr. Inventor's House
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Chapter 1 Learn About the History of the Calculator! Mountain of the Knowledge Master
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
[Chapter4] Electric Calculators for All
In Japan in 1946, the year that ENIAC was successfully unveiled in the United States, a man named Toshio Kashio was working in the Japanese Ministry of Communications. He realized that the calculator would be an essential tool for the future. Toshio Kashio and his older brother Tadao, who was a mechanical wizard, decided to develop their own calculator. Toshio came up with the ideas, while Tadao built the devices. In 1957, the brothers successfully completed their 14-A calculator.
The 14-A used relays and was powered only by electricity. It could do four mathmatic operations with only 342 relays, and was much smaller than earlier machines, just about the size of a desk in an office. It had an amazingly fast button reaction speed of 1 millisecond. Most of the motor-driven crank calculators used in Japan at that time created a lot of noise and vibration. They were also very slow, with a button reaction speed of more than a second. By getting rid of all of these problems, the 14-A was a revolutionary new calculator.
When the 14-A was first shown to the public, many people from around the world came to see the technology and find out how it worked. At an invention exhibition held the following year in Tokyo, the 14-A won the Science and Technology Minister’s Prize. The calculator was attracting the attention of ordinary people and scientists alike.
This is how the Casio Computer Co., Ltd. was founded.
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