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Fun Park Here are some magic tricks and games for your calculator!
Index Guess Your Friend's Favorite Number! Guess Numbers Rolled on Three Dice! Guess Your Friend's Birthday!
Guess Numbers Rolled on Three Dice!

This mysterious calculation lets you correctly guess the numbers that your friend has rolled on dice. How does it work?

Let us replace the numbers that your friend rolled on the dice with these symbols: , , and  . Did you know that if you add the opposite sides of a die it always adds up to 7. Therefore, the opposite side of is (7 - ) and the opposite side of is (7 - ) and the opposite side ofis (7 - ).

This formula might be a little difficult.
Whatever number , , andmight be from 1 to 6, the formula was created so that the 100 position is , the 10 position is , and the 1 position is .

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